Proficiency in Biotechnology 2019 version (70-74 credits)
In addition to the SEBS core curriculum requirements, a set of required and elective courses must be taken to develop proficiency in Biotechnology as defined below. These fall into the categories of Biotechnology core courses (under "Required Courses" below), which all Biotechnology majors must take, as well as specific courses that are taken to satisfy the requirements of the particular option (under the "Options" section below) the student has chosen within the Biotechnologymajor (numbers in parentheses represent number of credit hours). Note that most (but not all) of the courses listed below have prerequisites, such as General Biology or General Chemistry, and some of thoseprerequisites can also satisfy learning goals within the SEBS core curriculum.
PLEASE look at the notes about prerequisite structure under the Illustrative Course Sequence link to make sure it is clear when certain Biotech courses need to be completed!
Required courses (all Biotech majors - 2019 version)
(numbers in parentheses represent credits, courses in red are also typically used to satisfy SEBS core requirements)
Courses usually taken 1st year that are prerequisites for many required Biotechnology courses (22):
01:355:101 Expository Writing (3) - required before or concurrently with General Biology 1
01:119:115 General Biology 1 (4) and 01:119:116 General Biology 2 (4)
01:119:117 General Biology Laboratory (2)
01:160:161 General Chemistry 1 (4) and 01:160:162 General Chemistry 2 (4)
01:160:170 Introduction to Experimentation (1)
Further courses for Proficiency in Biotechnology:
Quantitative Skills (7-8)
01:640:135 Calculus 1 (4)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research* (3) OR 01:640:136, Calculus 2 (4) OR 01:960:212 Statistics II (3) (this course has prereqs)
*Basic Statistics for Research 01:960:401 (or equivalent - 01:960:212) required for Bioinformatics option (see below)
Computer and Information Technology Competence (3)
Nucleotide Sequence Analysis (3)
Professional Ethics (1.5)
11:126:111 Ethical snd Scientific Challenges in Biotechnology (3)** OR with approval, 11:126:110 Concepts and Issues in Biotechnology (1.5)
**11:126:111 is certified in SEBS core curriculum categories NS-1 and -2 (natural science) and CCO-2 (contemporary challenges)
Other Biotechnology required courses:
01:447:380 Genetics (4)
11:776:305 Plant Genetics (4) (only for Plant Biotechnology Option)
11:680:390 General Microbiology (4)
01:750:193-194 Physics for the Sciences (4,4) or equivalent**
01:160:307-308 Organic Chemistry (4,4)**
11:115:403-404 General Biochemistry (4,3) or equivalent
11:115:313 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
11:126:481 Molecular Genetics (3)
11:126:482 Molecular Genetics Laboratory (4)
11:126:401 Seminar in Biotechnology (1.5)
11:126:427 Methods and Applications in Molecular Biology (4)
*If Basic Statistics for Research is chosen to satisfy the Quantitative Skills requirement, it cannot also be used as an option elective.
**Physics for the Sciences requires co-registration in a 0 credit laboratory section. If students opt for the 01:750:203-204 General Physics 1 and 2 sequence instead, they must also take a corresponding lab section in 01:750:205 and 206. Students intending to apply to medical or dental school and certain Ph.D. programs should be aware that many professional schools and some graduate schools require two semesters of calculus and 01:160:311 Organic Chemistry Laboratory and a physics laboratory.
Options (15-18):
General Biotechnology (15-17)
Required Courses
Choose one of the following:
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture (3)
Choose one of the following courses (3):
01:146:474 Immunology (3)
11:115:421 Biochemistry of Cancer (3)
11:115:422 Biochemical Mechanisms of Toxicology (3)
11:115:436 Molecular Toxicology Lab (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis (3)
11:126:485 Bioinformatics (3)
11:126:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (3)
11:680:480 Microbial Genomics (3)
11:776:410 Plants for Bioenergy (3)
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
Electives (9-10)
Three additional electives from the required and elective courses listed in each of the
six biotechnology curriculum options. One to three credits of Research in Biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Animal Biotechnology (16-17)
Required Courses (7)
Two courses:
11:067:300 Integrative Physiology (3) or 11:067:492 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (3)
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
Electives (9-10) - Choose from the following courses:
11:067:327 Animal Reproduction (3)
11:067:450 Endocrinology (3)
11:067:492 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis
11:126:485 Bioinformatics
11:709:400 Advanced Nutrition I (3)
11:709:401 Advanced Nutrition II (3)
11:146:474 Immunology (3) with or without 01:146:475 Immunology Lab (1)
01:447:451 Genomes (3)
01:447:481 Topics in Human Genetics (3)
01:447:486 Evolutionary Genetics (3)
01:447:495 Cancer (3)
01:694:412 Proteomics and Functional Genomics (3)
01:694:492 Gene Regulation of Cancer and Development (3)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)
11:115:421 Biochemistry of Cancer (3)
11:115:422 Biochemical Mechanisms of Toxicology (3)
11:115:436 Molecular Toxicology Lab (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Bioinformatics (17)
Bioinformatics option students should take 01:640:135 Calculus 1 and 01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research to satisfy their Quantitative Skills requirement. Transfer students who receive credit for 01:960:211 Statistics 1 can take 01:960:212 Statistics 2 instead of Basic Statistics for Research to satisfy this requirement.
Required Courses (17)
01:198:111 Introduction to Computer Science (4) or equivalent
01:198:112 Data Structures (4)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis (3) OR 11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
11:126:485 Bioinformatics (3)
Elective (3)
Choose from the General Biotechnology electives or one approved programming course (suggested). Students in the option who would like to take Calculus 2 to meet medical school or graduate school requirements may use that course for this elective.
Bioscience Policy and Management (18)
Required Courses (15)
11:373:121Principles and Applications of Microeconomics (3)
11:373:231 Introduction to Marketing (3)
11:373:241 Introduction to Management (3)
11:373:403 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3)
11:373:404 Bioscience Policy (3)
Electives (3)
One course from either of the following areas of concentration:
Business Management Concentration:
11:373:351 Business Finance I (3)
11:373:352 Economics of Futures Markets (3)
11:373:402 Global Marketing (3)
11:373:451 Business Finance II (3)
Bioscience Policy Concentration:
11:373:323 Public Policy toward the Food Industry (3)
11:374:341 Social and Ecological Aspects of Health and Disease (3)
11:373:371 Food Health and Safety Policy (3)
Microbial Biotechnology (15.5-17)
Required courses (7)
11:680:494 Applied Microbiology (4)
and at least one from the list:
11:680:480 Microbial Genetics and Genomics (3)
11:680:481 Microbial Physiology (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
Electives (8.5-10)
01:146:328 Human Parasitology (3)
01:146:329 Human Parasitology Laboratory (1)
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:146:474 Immunology (3)
01:146:475 Laboratory in Immunology (1)
01:447:495 Cancer (3)
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
11:067:492 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (4)
11:375:411 Environmental Microbiology (3)
11:400:419 Food Physical Systems (3)
11:400:423 Food Microbiology (3)
11:400:424 Food Microbiology Laboratory (1)
11:680:480 Microbial Genomics (3)
11:680:481 Microbial Physiology (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
11:680:492 Microbial Ecology and Diversity Laboratory (2)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis
11:126:485 Bioinformatics
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Plant Biotechnology (15-16)
Required courses (6)
11:776:242 Plant Science (3)
11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture and Engineering (3)
Electives, three courses (9-10):
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:694:492 Gene Regulation of Cancer and Development (3)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:413 Plant Molecular Biology (3)
11:400:419 Food Physical Systems (3)
11:680:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
11:776:310 Plant Propagation (3)
11:776:312 Medicinal Plants (3)
11:776:406 Plant Physiology (4)
11:776:405 Plant Biosecurity (3)
11:776:406 Plant Breeding (3)
11:776:410 Plants for Bioenergy (3)
11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture and Engineering (3)
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Students enrolled prior to the fall of 2019 are fulfilling requirements under the following list. Some students have the choice of opting out of the older requirements and into the newer 2019 requirements. See your academic advisor as to the rules.
Required courses (all Biotech majors) PRE-2019
(numbers in parentheses represent credits)
Quantitative Skills (7-8 cr)
01:640:135 Calculus 1 (4) and 01:640:136, Calculus 2 (4)
01:640:135 Calculus 1 (4) and 01:960:401Basic Statistics for Research* (3)
Computer and Information Technology Competence (3)
Nucleotide Sequence Analysis (3)
Professional Ethics (1.5)
Concepts and Issues in Biotechnology (1.5)
Other Required Biotechnology Core Courses (43.5-48.5)
01:160:307-308 Organic Chemistry (4,4)
01:447:380 Genetics (4)
11:776:305 Plant Genetics (4) (only for Plant Biotechnology Option)
11:680:390 General Microbiology (4)
01:750:193-194 Physics for the Sciences (4,4) or equivalent*
11:115:403-404 General Biochemistry (4,3)
11:115:413 Experimental Biochemistry (3)
11:115:313 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
11:126:481 Molecular Genetics (3)
11:126:482 Molecular Genetics Laboratory (4)
11:126:401 Seminar in Biotechnology (1.5)
11:126:427 Methods and Applications in Molecular Biology (4)
*Students intending to apply to medical or dental school and certain Ph.D. programs should be aware that many professional schools and some graduate schools require two semesters of calculus and 01:160:311 Organic Chemistry Laboratory and a physics laboratory. If Basic Statistics for Research is chosen to satisfy the Quantitative Skills requirement, it cannot also be used as an option elective.
Options (14.5-19): PRE-2019
General Biotechnology (14-19) PRE-2019
5-7 Required Courses
Choose one of the following:
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture (3)
Choose one of the following courses:
01:146:474 Immunology (3)
11:115:421 Biochemistry of Cancer (3)
11:115:422 Biochemical Mechanisms of Toxicology (3)
11:115:436 Molecular Toxicology Lab (2.5)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis (3)
11:126:485 Bioinformatics (3)
11:126:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (3)
11:680:480 Microbial Genomics (3)
11:776:410 Plants for Bioenergy (3)
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
Electives (9-12)
Three additional electives from the required and elective courses listed in each of the
six biotechnology curriculum options. One to three credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Animal Biotechnology (17.5-19) PRE-2019
Required Courses (9-10)
At least three of the following courses:
11:067:300 Integrative Physiology (3) or 01:146:356 Systems Physiology (3)
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
11:146:474 Immunology (3)
11:709:400 Advanced Nutrition I (3)
11:709:401 Advanced Nutrition II (3)
Electives (8.5-9)
01:146:357 Systems Physiology Lab (1)
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:146:475 Immunology Lab (1)
01:447:451 Genomes (3)
01:447:481 Topics in Human Genetics (3)
01:447:486 Evolutionary Genetics (3)
01:447:495 Cancer (3)
01:694:412 Proteomics and Functional Genomics (3)
01:694:492 Gene Regulation of Cancer and Development (3)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)
11:067:327 Animal Reproduction (3)
11:067:450 Endocrinology (3)
11:067:492 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (3)
11:115:421 Biochemistry of Cancer (3)
11:115:422 Biochemical Mechanisms of Toxicology (3)
11:115:436 Molecular Toxicology Lab (2.5)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis
11:126:485 Bioinformatics
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Bioinformatics (17) PRE-2019
Required Courses (17)
01:198:111 Introduction to Computer Science (4) or equivalent
01:198:112 Data Structures (4)
01:960:379 Basic Probability and Statistics OR 01:960:401Basic Statistics for Research (3)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis OR 11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
11:126:485 Bioinformatics (3)
Bioscience Policy and Management (18) PRE-2019
Note in the College Area Requirements (V) that students electing this option must take Principles and Applications of Microeconomics 11:373:121 or equivalent.
Required Courses (12)
11:373:231 Introduction to Marketing (3)
11:373:241 Introduction to Management (3)
11:373:403 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3)
11:373:404 Bioscience Policy (3)
Electives (6)
Two courses from either of the following areas of concentration:
Business Management Concentration:
11:373:351 Business Finance I (3)
11:373:352 Economics of Futures Markets (3)
11:373:402 Global Marketing (3)
11:373:451 Business Finance II (3)
Bioscience Policy Concentration:
11:373:323 Public Policy toward the Food Industry (3)
11:374:341 Social and Ecological Aspects of Health and Disease (3)
11:373:371 Food Health and Safety Policy (3)
Microbial Biotechnology (15.5-17) PRE-2019
Required courses (7)
11:680:494 Applied Microbiology (4)
and at least one from the list:
11:680:480 Microbial Genetics and Genomics (3)
11:680:481 Microbial Physiology (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
Electives (8.5-10)
01:146:328 Human Parasitology (3)
01:146:329 Human Parasitology Laboratory (1)
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:146:474 Immunology (3)
01:146:475 Laboratory in Immunology (1)
01:447:495 Cancer (3)
11:067:430 Animal Microtechniques and Tissue Culture (4)
11:067:492 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (4)
11:375:411 Environmental Microbiology (3)
11:400:419 Food Physical Systems (3)
11:400:423 Food Microbiology (3)
11:400:424 Food Microbiology Laboratory (1)
11:680:480 Microbial Genomics (3)
11:680:481 Microbial Physiology (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
11:680:492 Microbial Ecology and Diversity Laboratory (2)
11:126:484 Tools for Bioinformatic Analysis
11:126:485 Bioinformatics
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.
Plant Biotechnology (15-16) PRE-2019
Required courses (6)
11:776:242 Plant Science (3)
11:126:413 Plant Molecular Biology (3) OR 11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture and Engineering (3)
Electives (9-10)
01:146:470 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
01:694:492 Gene Regulation of Cancer and Development (3)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)
11:115:452 Biochemical Separations (3)
11:126:407 Comparative Virology (3)
11:126:410 Process Biotechnology (3)
11:126:413 Plant Molecular Biology (3)
11:126:486 Analytical Methods in Microbiology (3)
11:400:419 Food Physical Systems (3)
11:680:491 Microbial Ecology and Diversity (3)
11:776:310 Plant Propagation (3)
11:776:312 Medicinal Plants (3)
11:776:406 Plant Physiology (4)
11:776:405 Plant Biosecurity (3)
11:776:406 Plant Breeding (3)
11:776:410 Plants for Bioenergy (3)
11:776:452 Plant Tissue Culture and Engineering (3)
11:776:485 Functional Genomics for Research (3)
One to three additional credits of research in biotechnology may be substituted for an equal number of credits of elective work.